ToT LogoTown of Taos Vendor Portal Sep 07 2024 20:08:50
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Collaboration Portal Help & Support
Welcome to the Online Collaboration Portal.

To find additional help, please contact:  ADD YOUR COMPANY WEB PAGE HERE

To contact us via e-mail:  ADD YOUR SUPPORT EMAIL HERE

Brief help:

Login - To log in, select the 'Login Now' button to the left.
Signup - To signup for a new account, select the 'Create Account' button to the left to begin. After you signup, an account representative will contact you with your username and password (typically provided by e-mail).

Existing organizations that are already registered may login using the 'Login Now' button.
Once your account is signed in, you may log in and use the system to review contracts, review solicitation opportunities, respond to opportunities, submit new contract requests, and review contract information assigned to your account.

For additional user documentation on the vendor/client collaboration gateway click here
For additional user documentation on the solicitation opportunity collaboration gateway click here

This Software and all data is the confidential property of its respective owner. All actions performed in this system will be logged for auditing purposes.

CobbleStone Software 2023 - Collaboration Gateway Version: 22.1.1 (rev 230503)